Thursday, April 24, 2008

Can You Smell What Barack Is Cooking?

The race for the Democratic nomination, is getting dirty. The race is still too close to call! Hilary took home a win in Pennsylvania on Tuesday. In honor of the race I have posted a video. The WWE, had a skit, in which Clinton and Obama fought one another in the ring! I think that the video sums up the race for the White House! I also love when Obama states can you smell what Barack is cooking! Brilliance!
- Angelica

Thursday, April 10, 2008

What a Jerk !

Presidential hopeful John McCain visited a high school while campaigning. During the question and answer session, a student asked if he thought that he was too old for the job ? He also asked if he thought that he might die during his presidency. McCain gave a funny and intelligent response! The greatest part occurred at the end when McCain answered thanks for the question you little jerk! I loved this video! I hope you enjoy!
- Angelica

Dance Obama Dance !

Presidential hopeful Barack Obama appeared on the Ellen show, after he was introduced he came onto the stage dancing to Crazy In Love! Not only did he dance, but he attempted to box as well. In the process he lost his watch. I thought the clip is funny and lighthearted. He even makes a joke about former Republican candidate Rudy Giuliani. So take a look at the video on the side bar! You will love it !!!!!!!!!!!
- Angelica

Great Election Resource

For those who are interested in viewing a schedule of 2008 primaries and caucus's you can go to This website is fantastic. It list the election by month and date. You can also check or !
- Angelica

McCain On MySpace!!!!!!

The other day, I was researching Republican John McCain. During my research I came upon a funny discovery! John McCain has a MySpace account! Yes, that is correct, his page is dedicated to his campaign and what he hopes to accomplish. Personally, I think of MySpace as a site known only to those of my generation. However, generation y are apparently not the only subscribers. While I think the idea of McCain on MySpace is funny, I cannot help but respect him for reaching out to my generation!
- Angelica

When Does Primary/Caucus Season End ?

The other night, at dinner, my brother asked me if the primary season was over. I thought that for my next post, I would address this question! The primary season is not over yet. The last primary will occur on June 3. Montana and South Dakota will decide who will win available points. On the same day, New Mexico will hold Republican primaries. Democratic voters have already decided their candidate. On April 22, Pennsylvania will hold elections. Primaries will occur every Tuesday in May. So it is not over yet! The democratic nomination is far from secured. The Democratic National Convention in August will be exciting!
- Angelica

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why Huckabee Why ?

Okay, I have found a fantastic way to remember Mike Huckabee's bid for the White House. I found a video in which I have posted. In the video Mike claims to have eaten squirrel that was fried in a popcorn popper. HOW GROSS IS THAT! I gagged when I watched the video. I guess Mike is trying to reach Southern voters. I was born and raised in the South, and have never eaten squirrel. Every time I watch the video I feel sick!